How do I find a unique company name?

1 min readAug 6, 2022


How do I find a unique company name?

1. Check the market
Research your competitors to see what types of name they tend to go for, and consider doing the opposite.

If they all have traditional names, then go modern …or vice versa. To stand out and get found online, don’t use generic words in your name.

2. Try to be evocative, not descriptive
Don’t try to describe your business literally and accurately through your company name.

Many successful brands have names that hint at what they do, or send subtle messages about how they do it. They have names, not descriptive labels.

3. Be memorable, not safe
Your name is usually the first thing a customer sees or hears, so don’t waste the opportunity.

An unusual or unconventional name will stand out and be remembered. A bland, boring name won’t.

4. Be brave, don’t compromise
Don’t just add words to a common name (e.g. ‘Athena Consultancy Services’) — this will make your business forgettable, and invisible online.

Safe, generic-sounding names aren’t catchy, memorable …or brandable. Be bold. Be creative.

Bonus Tip: Use Unique Name Generator to generate a new Business Name





Written by MasterJay


Programmer / Data Scientist

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